In an alpine basin ata an altitude of 800m there stand a group of important comopunds;(1)Kongobu-ji, which was founded by the high Buddhist priest Kukai in 816 as the principal stage for the Shingon sect of esoteric Buddhism,(2) Jison-in, which was constructed as an administrative office to faclilitate the construction and management of Kongobu-ji, (3) NIukanshofu-jinja, which was constructed as a guardian thirine to protect the Niukanshofu estate of Kongobu-ji,and (4) Niutsuhime-jinja, which is situated in the Amano basin lying halfway between Kongobu-ji and Jison-in in dedication to the deities Niumyojin and Koyamyojin, who in legend gave land to Kukai for the construction of Kongobu-ji and guided Kukai , respectively. Those shrines and temples are connected by the pilgrimage route known as the Koyasan Choishimichi. At Koyasan, tehre are 117 temples still now forming a mountaintop religious “city”which embrances a history of more than 1,200years as a sacred mountain site. This site, combined with teh surrou
Kongobu-ji Daishuden
The existing buildings originally were those of the Seigan-ji temple; this area forms the largest group of wooden guildings in Koya-san. At presetng, the head temple of Kongobu-ji is located here.
Kongobu-ji Okuno-in
This is a large-scate cemetery surrounded by three mountains,i.e. Mt Tenjiku, Mt Mani, and Mt Yoryu. This sacred area contains the place where Kukai decided to make a grave for himself; it holds many large stone stupas constructed by influential military lords and the tombstones of people of various ranks who admired Kukai’s teachings at various times of history. Such stone structures, large and samll, numbering over 300,000 are densely distributed in this area..and giant trees older then 500 years stand here and there.
Kongobu-ji Daimonn
This wooden gate is an Irimaya style(semigabled), two-storied double gate built on a manumental scale which is suitable as a main gateway to the mountain area; it is one of the largest wooden two-storied gates in Japan.
This temple was constructed by Hojo Masaka, wife of the founder of the Kamakura shogunate, Minamoto no Yoritomo, as a donation to solicit for the peace of the souls of her husband and son. This is a representative example that shows how the development of Koyasan into a sacred place was promoted through donations or through the construction of mountaintop facilities for prayer-giving by powerful aristocrats or military lords.
Tokugawake Reidai
The Tokugawake Reidai is a set of mausoleums for the first and second shoguns of the Tokugawa familiy, i.e. leyasu(on the right)and Hidetada(on the left. The two mausoleums are separated with a Sukibe, or lattice-windowed wall.
Jison-in, a temple constructed in the 9th century, is also knowe as “Nyonin Koya”. Located at the entrance of the pilgrimage route Koyasan Choishimichi, the temple provided temporary accoummodation to pilgrims and received religious attention. In tis Mirokudo, which was recounstructed in the 14th century, a Buddha statuerepresenting a sedentary image of the Miroku Buddha(National Treasure) is enshrined.
Niutsuhime-jinja, which is dedicated to the deity of the land protecting the northwestern area of the Kii Mountain Rnage, including Mt Koyasan,is a shrine which has maintained a close relation with the Kongobu-ji temple. Although it had many Buddha halls until the Shintoism and Bunddahism Separation Decree, only a few of them remaion to the pressent day such as the Honde(main Buddha hall) and the Romon(two-storied gate).
Until the Shintoism and Buddhism Separation Decree was issued in the 19th century, there used to be Buddhist temple buildings in this shrine compound; the shrined had received worship in tandem with the adjacent Jison-in.
金剛峯寺への参詣道は数本あるが、その中でも空海が切り開き、その後も最もよく使われた主要道が「高野山町石道」で、沿道には1町(約109m)ごとに町石が建てられている.。町石には壇上伽藍からの距離(町数)のほか、密教の金剛界三十六尊及び胎蔵界百八十尊の 字、寄進者の名前、建立年月日及び目的などが彫り込まれている。もとは木製の卒塔婆が建てられていたが、鎌倉時代に各層の寄進を募り、現在みるような町石になった。220基の町石のうち179基については当時のものが遺り、1町ごとに礼拝を重ねながら山上を目指した参詣の様子を今に伝えている。
Koyasan Choishimichi
Among the several pilgrimage rouets to Kongobu-ji, the “Koyasan Choishimichi” is the one constructed by the founder of the temple, Kukai, and the one that has been most used. At intervals of one Cho(about 109m) all along the route, stone signposts called Choshi have been erected. On tehse signposts are engraved not only the distance in Cho to the Danjogaran compound but also the Sanskrit names of 36 Buddhas of Kongokai(the Diamong Realm in the doctrine of esoteric Buddhism )and 180 Buddhas of Taisokai(the Womb Realm in the doctrine of esoteric Buddhism, the name of the donor, and the date and porpose of the construction. Originally, Choishi signposts had been wooden monuments but they were replaced in the 13th century with stone monuments, as they are seen at presetn through donations by people from various walks of life. Out of the 220 existing Choishi signposts, 179 are the original monument, which for eight centuries have witnessed people on pilgrimage as they proceed toweard the mountaintop with faith and
Wakayama Castle
Its magnificent slihouette rising high above the Wakayama city center, Wakayama Castle is the symbol of the 555,000-goku domain of Kishu, one of the 3 Tokugawa families.
紀伊山地の南東部にあり、相互に20〜40kmの距離を隔てて位置する「熊野本宮大社」、「熊野速玉大社」、「熊野参詣道中辺路」によって相互に結ばれている。三つの神社は、個別の自然崇拝に期限を持つが、神仏習合の影響を受けて「熊野三所権現」として信仰されるようになった。また、仏が衆生を救済するために姿を現したのが神だとする「本地垂 説」により、主祭神がそれぞれ阿弥陀如来、薬師如来、千手観音とみなされたことからも信仰を集め、これらを巡礼する「熊野詣」の目的地として繁栄した。熊野三山の社殿は他の神社建築に類例をみない独特の形式を持ち、全国各地に歓請された約3,000社以上の熊野神社における社殿の規範となっている。青岸渡寺と補陀洛山寺は、神仏習合の過程で熊野那智大社と密接な関係を持つようになった寺院で、特に補陀洛山寺は南の洋上に補陀落浄土を求め死を賭して漕ぎ出す「補陀落渡海」信仰で知られた寺院である。
Sacred Site, Kumano Sanzan
Located in the southeastern part of the Kii Mountain Range, this sacred site consists of three shrines that are distributed 20 to 40km apart from each other-i.e. Kumano Hongu taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha, and Kumano Nachi Taisha- and two temples i.e. Seiganto-ji and Fudararakusan-ji; these shrines and temples are connected by the pilgrimage route known as “Kumano Sankeimichi(Nakahechi)”. Originally, each of the three Shinto shrines had its own distinctive form of nature worship; however, under the influence of the Shinto-Buddhist fusion, they came to be revered as the trine deities of Kumano. At the same time, as the belief that the Shinto deities are Japanese incarnations of Buddhas who have manifested themselves to save others became prevalent, the deities of the threee shrines were considered to be incarnations of Amida Nyorai, Yakushi Nyorai and Senju Kannnon, respectively. As such, this sacred site attracted much religious attention and prospered as an important pilgrimage destination. The shrine build
Kumano Nachi Taisha
Kumano Nachi Taisha is a Shinto shrine located halfway up the mountain body of Mt Nachisa, with its religious origin in the ancient nature worship of the large waterall called Nahi no Otaki. Besides the 12 deities of Kumano which it enshrines, the shrine is dedicated to the deified Nachi no Otaki, called Hiro Gongen. Originally, the shrine was located at the the foot of the waterfall; after the shrine was relocated to the present site, the fire festival Ogieshikireisai, also known as Nachi no Himatsuri, has been continuously ovserved here annually on the 14th of July.
Kumano Hayatama Taisha
Kumano Hayatama Taisha includes the compound of the shrine situated near the river mouth of the Kumanogawa River and Mt “Gongenyama” in the background,, where Kamikura-jinja is located, as well as the ritual sites, Mifunejima and Otabisho. Halfway up Mt Gongenyama, there is a shrine called Kamikura-jinja, where it is believed the shrine deity had descended. Around the gigantic rock called Gotobiki-iwa, which has itself been found. Annually on the 6th of Fevruary the fier festival called Kumano Otomatsuri is held; this festival, which is said to retain its ancient religious traditions, was originally observed on the 6th day of the lunar-calendar New Year.
Before the 1868 Shintoism and Buddhism Separation Decree, this temple had been known as Nyoirindo and estabilshed itself as integral part of Kumano Nachi Taisha. This is the first sacred place of the West Province Pilgrimage in which undertakers of the practices visit the 33 sacred places associated with Kannon, following the belief that Kannnon bodhisattva heeds people’s wishes while transforming into 33 separate appearances.
Nachi no Otaki (Nachi Waterfall)
The laregst waterfall in Japan, 133m high and 13m wide. The Nachi no Otaki was the religious origin of Kumano Nachi Taisha and Seiganto-ji and still is a very important object of worship.
Kumano Hongu Taisha
Kumano Hongu Taisha used to be known as Kumano ni Masu-jinja and was situated on the Kumanogawa River’s sandbank known as Oyunohara since the time of its foundation. However, after damaged in the river follding in 1889, the surviving shrine buildings including the three main structuers were relocated to the present location and reconstructed in 1891.
Hashikui-iwa Rocks
Stretching some 850 m from Kushimoto towards Oshima Island are found about 40 odd-looking rock formations. The name, literally meaning “bridge pilings”, comes from the way these rocks look like the pilings of a bridge that links Kushimoto with Oshima Island. There is also a legend that ciaims Kobodaishi, the monk who founded Koyasan, built this natural marvel, its slihouette at sunrise is truly a sight worth seeing.
Gyuba Doji
An adorable stone image of a boy on the backs of a cow and a horse in the garb of a priest. Said to depict Emperor Kazan on a pilgrimage to Kumano. A popular symbolic monument of Kumano Kodo( Old Kumano Road)..
Ryujin Hot Springs
Renound as one of the top three hot springs in Japan for beautifying the body.
Shirahama Hot Springs
Noted often in ancient literature. Shirahama is where even emperors of long ago traveled from the distant capital to heal themselves in the hot spring waters.
Katsuura Hot Springs
Alongside Shirahama Spa, Katsuura Spa is a great example of the hot spring wonders you will find in the Nanki area. Rich amounts of hot water spring all over the area from the wave-battered peninsula on Katsuura Bay and coves on the shore to samll islands. There are also popular hot springs such as the “Bokido” which is located inside a grotto.
Mehari Sushi
These rice cakes are made by wrapping freshly cooked rice in salted mustard leaves. The dish began as a lunch for men who worked in the mountains or rafted on the river. The simple taste is irresistible.
Wakayama Noodles
This is a specialty of a new Wakayama. The unique flavor of the noodles and broth in this ramen has become popular throughout Japan in recent years.